Thursday, May 5, 2011

Obsessed. With Pancakes.

I blame my father. He started it. It's his fault. Every weekend, he made breakfast. He still does. Unfortunately, he has limited recipes. At 72, he's not willing to try many new recipes. I sent him 50 recipes a while ago, he's made 4 of them. That brings his total up to 8, or maybe 10 recipes.

To me, that is BORING. I need variety. There are so many possibilities for terrific meals, why repeat the same thing over and over?

As an adult, I still sit down at the kitchen table every morning with my cup of tea or coffee and some form of homemade breakfast. Typically it's pancakes. They are easy to make for 2, granted I am the only person living in my house, but my dog and cat have to eat pancakes too, they insist on it. Really they do.

My personal goal is to make it an entire year without repeating a single breakfast menu.

I have an ever growing stack of pancake recipes. I file them into three categories.
1. Traditional-pancakes that are cooked on the griddle or in a skillet.
2. Baked-pancakes that go into the oven.
3. Crepe Style-thin pancakes that resemble crepes, most are European in origin.

So far, I have over 100 recipes either created by me, borrowed from follow blog-enthusiasts, and even a few from cook books. Some I've had for a couple years, scribbled on various scraps of paper that was available when I stumbled across the recipe, I have no idea who I got the recipe from. For those I do remember and/or can track down, I will link to the blog where it came from.

For now, I hope you enjoy all the recipes as much as I do. Happy Eating!

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