Saturday, May 14, 2011

Rice Cakes

Have you ever seen a cookbook from 100 years ago?

First off, if you can get past the huge difference in formatting and wording, you need to rely on Google so that you can figure out what in the heck some of the measurements are. Things are measured by the pound, by gills (pronounced "jill"), glasses, teacupfuls, pints, quarts, and spoonfuls.

I've made European recipes that use weight as the measurements. I have made older recipes that measure flour and sugar by the pound. I have NEVER once used a "pound of eggs."

The basis for today's recipe is from page 103 of a 1832 cookbook entitled Seventy-Five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats by Miss Leslie, of Philadelphia. 4th Edition.

 Put half a pound of rice in soak over night. Early in the morning boil it very soft, drain it from the water, mix with it a quarter of a pound of butter, and set it away to cool. When it is cold, stir it into a quart of milk, and add a very little salt. Beat six eggs, and sift half a pint of flour. Stir the egg and flour alternately into the rice and milk. Having beaten the whole very well, bake it on the griddle in cakes about the size of a small dessert-plate. Butter them, and send them to table hot.

Sounds interesting. Also sounds like it would feed a lot of people. Just out of curiosity, I cooked a half pound of rice, it cooked up to over 4 cups. I foresee rice pudding and fried rice in my near future....

These turned out very good, almost like a pancake version of rice pudding.

Rice Cakes
1 C Cooked Rice (I use a long grain white rice)
4 Tbs Unsalted Butter
2 Tbs Sugar
Dash of Salt
1 1/2 tsp Ground Cinnamon
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
1 Egg, Beaten
1/2 C All-Purpose Flour
3/4 C Milk

In a medium bowl combine rice and butter. If the rice is hot, just cut the butter into bits and stir in. Otherwise, melt the butter and add to the rice. All this mixture to cool to room temperature.

Add in the sugar, salt, cinnamon, and vanilla. Stir until well combined.

Stir in the egg and flour. It's very important to beat the egg before you add it to the mix. Add the milk in parts until a batter with the texture of pudding is formed. More or less milk may be required.

Cook in a lightly greased skillet over medium-low heat. These seem to absorb the oil so it is important to use only what is necessary to keep them from sticking.

These don't get nice little bubbles on the surface. They don't dry out around the edges. They just get browned on the bottom. You have to watch them carefully.

They were absolutely delicious though! It made 6 medium sized pancakes.

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