Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Years!

Here we are, welcoming 2015! Can you believe another year has passed by so quickly?

I have a lot of big plans for 2015 and I cannot wait for this year to get underway! I'm looking forward to building my dream house, marrying the love of my life, and all the great possibilities that are waiting for me this year.

Have you made your New Year's Resolution yet?

I have one resolution and one goal.

My resolution is simple. Eat Better Food.

I love 100 Days of Real Food. There are lots of "buy this not that" type posts on her blog. It is amazing the amount of non-healthy foods that are actually marketed to make you believe they are healthy for you.

While I would love to be able to go 100% organic, it is proving to be a great struggle for two reasons. I live in a small, rural area where very few organic items are stocked in the stores. The second is a limited budget. I'm sure this is the same situation many others are in.

With a little planning, a lot of research, and some effort, I can cut out ALL highly processed foods, buy around 70% organic, and not go over my budget of $300/month for two people. Oh yeah, and not drastically change my eating habits.  I look forward to sharing my findings with all of you!

My goal for the year is simple. I want to read at least 50 books.

I am OCD and keep track of everything I read. On top of having a list of what I've read, I am a fan of Goodreads, it's has a wonderful rating system that gives amazing recommendations. To start off 2015, I have added the Irish Country Doctor series by Patrick Taylor to my Nook. I read the first book in the series years ago in a Reader's Digest condensed book and fell in love with the characters. I cannot wait to re-enter the world of Ballybucklebo. The series follows a young doctor as he settles into practice with an established, rough country doctor in Northern Ireland. The young doctor must adjust into the quirks and ways of small, rural life; and in the process learns about life and love.

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