Happy Friday my friends! Here in America, it's Black Friday. Most Americans are either still nursing their turkey comas from yesterday or out facing the masses at the sales. Me? I'm curled up on the couch with some hot cocoa & marshmallows, and the never ending stream of Hallmark Channel Christmas movies. I am not a fan of crowds. I am much happier tucked away in my corner of the world, avoiding the insanity that is Black Friday.
- This is just too funny. Knowing that the vast majority of people are willing to believe absolutely EVERYTHING that they read online, a satirical news site has created a fake article about turkeys being recalled for avian flu. Instead of listing brands of turkeys or relative information, they simply list the CDC as having recalled the birds and list a phone number to call so you can check to see if your bird is safe to eat. The number, however, is that of the Westboro Baptist Church, the horrid group best known for picketing soldiers' funerals. (Sorry but no matter what your personal beliefs may be, I firmly believe it is NOT acceptable for others to judge or inflict any pain, emotional or physical, on anybody.)
- For all the wonderful leftovers, you gotta hit up Pinterest. I'm looking forward to trying out a bunch of these!
- While most are out hunting for the latest deal, I am planning my cooking baking. I have been the one in the family to adopt all of my Grandmother's Christmas Cookie recipes. While I will be working on tons of cookie posts in the near future, for now check out this super vintage cookbook. I love trying to modernize some of these antique recipes.
- 5 Reasons to Skip Black Friday. Enough said. (At least for me!)
- If you're hiding out like me, enjoy a Cranberry Martini!
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